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Physical therapist assisting a woman with a rehabilitation exercise on a mat.

Athletic flooring that aids in health & recovery

Ecore’s shock-absorbent, slip-resistant flooring is engineered to return energy back to the body, helping patients heal. With added safety, ergonomic, and acoustic benefits, our surfaces are essential in helping athletes and those recovering from injury.

Flooring engineered to support healthy living

Therapy & Rehab
Therapy & Rehab

Ecore’s rubber gym flooring is an essential part of the rehabilitation process. Our surfaces deliver ultimate impact absorption and sound-dampening technology for a tranquil environment that promotes athletes' healing.

Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine

Our rubber athletic flooring protects joints and dampens the sound of equipment, so your athletes can focus on their recovery and rehabilitation.


We’ve engineered our rubber flooring to prevent falls and fall-related injuries, even in wet conditions, so that everyone keeps safe and slip free with Ecore.

Envision your new restorative facility with Ecore

Blueprint of sports medicine facility featuring Ecore flooring options in each room or space